Himalaya cultural trips 喜马拉雅深度亲子游



This is my 5th time in Nepal, and Sullivan’s 2nd time. I still arrived feeling disoriented, perhaps with the overwhelmed senses and memories. 

Both of us are growing here, faster than usual, I feel.



Seeing friends #alternative medicine



zoo day




Family trip


Day 1

My highlight

吉普车在开时沙利文开始哼哼,我说你不要哼哼了。言川(六岁)在笑,说,是不是让你头晕。我说你怎么知道的。她说,因为吃早餐时他发出这种声音的时候你说头晕。我说,会让你头晕吗。她说,不会。我说,他哼哼时的声音对你来说是什么样的. 她说,搞笑. 难道这是一种小孩子发出来自娱的声音吗?

I asked her, how did you feel when you heard him making that (moaning) noise. She said, funny. Does it mean that moaning is a way for kids to soothe themselves?


His & their highlight

mountain, new friends, sitting at the back of the car with Yanchuan;

watching stone carving;

Fell off a tree, a young man gave him a purple balloon;

living in the clouds





Day 2

Trekking to a school in the valley - the walk with a friend is never too muddy



Day 3 

经停古国,然后上山,到达Namo Buddha时已经五点多,七点晚餐,洗漱完回过神正好去僧侣食堂,派食前众僧在念经,念到第二首是熟悉的,他们颂时,我忽然流泪了。




Day 4

Namo Buddha的故事是,几位狩猎的年轻人,看见饥饿中的老虎妈妈和几个小老虎,其中一位年轻人决定不要猎杀它们,并且将自己身上的一块肉切下来喂它们,后来切了一块又一块,直到自己肉身消尽,肉身消尽后他成佛了,就是Namo Buddha。第一次听的时候是去年,一直都不太了解这个故事的寓意。为什么。后来独自带着沙利文往下走的时候,在虎像的洞穴前停留了几分钟,一个小小的洞,油油黑黑的像,许多人在这拜祭,忽然我似乎明白了这个故事的寓意,我的理解是,即使你面对着充满恶意的人,依然要像他们传达善意,因为善恶都是人性的一部分。你传达的善意,也许会将他们的恶意抵消;而传达出去的善意,不会削弱你内心的坚定。




met a puppy;




Day 5


Their highlights


farm house, buffalos, milking cows, chickens, cornfields;

playing in the sand.



Day 6

cuddle with a baby goat and feed the baby cow

Seeing Pilot baba



Day 7




More moments when we extended our stay



Serviced by Benjamin Monnet, Nepal Magic Expeditions Trekking & Tours

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